Wellbeing Workshop for Teens 2-Part Series (Emotional Wellbeing & Social Wellbeing)
Part 1: Emotional Wellbeing A teen's emotional wellbeing is crucial during adolescence, a time often characterized by feelings of isolation as they shape their identity. The Wellbeing Workshop, specifically focused on Emotional Wellbeing for Teens, directly addresses the challenge of not knowing oneself-an issue with significant implications. Through participation, teens acquire essential wellbeing practices, empowering them to build a toolkit. This toolkit becomes a reliable guide, helping them reconnect with their authentic selves when navigating the inevitable challenges of this transformative phase.
What's in Store for Your Teen?
Workshop available for 13-15 year olds/16-18 year olds For more information:
Part 2: Social Wellbeing Exploring and nurturing a teen's social wellbeing is vital during this phase, marked by a natural distancing from parents. This period is characterized by extensive experimentation with ideas, styles, roles, and behaviors-a fundamental aspect of identity formation. Experimentation serves as a means to broaden horizons and test different ways of behaving before solidifying one's identity. Providing teens with the opportunity to focus on nurturing their wellbeing empowers them with essential skills and insights. This preparation enables adolescents to adeptly navigate the social dimensions of their lives, creating positive relationships and contributing to their overall wellbeing.
What's in Store for Your Teen?
Workshop available for 13-15 year olds/16-18 year olds It is recommended to experience Part 1: Emotional Wellbeing before Part 2: Social Wellbeing For more information: