Every morning there is a sunrise, which is different everyday. Each sunrise is magical and gives us the opportunity to start a new day.
Every evening there is a sunset, which is also different every time. A sunset allows us to unwind and end our day, however we chose to let it unfold. Without each of these, we wouldn't have the chance to create something new. I want to take a moment to give appreciation to each beautiful sunrise and sunset. I take a moment each morning to set my intention for the day in front of me. Before I fall asleep each night, I acknowledge all the things that I am grateful for during that day. What wonderful gifts we are given each day of our lives.
"Decision is the spark that ignites action. Until a decision is made, nothing happens...Decision is the courageous facing of issues, knowing that if they are not faced, problems will remain forever unanswered." -Wilferd A. Peterson We make decisions everyday. Whether it's a decision about what we wear to what we eat. Some decisions are easy and others more difficult to make. The thing about a decision is that it's ultimately our choice. A decision is something we make based on different factors that we consider. So when we do make a decision it is something we make for ourselves. "You know you have made the right decision when there is peace in your heart." -Sabina Tabakovic I think it's easy to say that our decisions, in which we consider difficult, usually are the ones that take the most time to make. Possibly having to make it over and over, knowing that it is the right decision for us in the end.
Through my regular practice of Mindfulness, one of the things I have become aware of are body sensations. In a way, I know when my body is talking to me. Some people equate this sense of awareness of body sensations to understanding their intuition or vibes. Whatever is the preferred way of looking at it, I believe that these vibes are a way of saying something needs to change. I have come to realize that uncomfortable or painful sensations/vibes come from deep within, something that isn't or hasn't been right. Sometimes we can name what is creating these vibes right away and other times it stems from our subconscious. However, if it continues to occur then it's time to address it. When we do finally decide it's time to address it, figuring out what the problem is and looking at what you can do to change it for yourself. We are the only one responsible to change a situation for ourself. During the process of being aware of a continuous, perhaps painful sensation, one may tend to be consumed by thoughts. Thoughts of why these feelings are there, what are the reasons, and so on. Allowing yourself to have these thoughts is ok, just as long as the thoughts don't consume your life. Sometimes some issues take longer to work through, however, when different choices are made and the choice that puts you at ease each time you make it, then you know in your heart that you have found the answer. That is when you let it go and in a way you will be free of the issue. Remember it's ok to take time to try to understand difficult feelings. Be proud of yourself for doing the work. When you do make the decision that is best for you, believe and trust that something wonderful is waiting for you around the corner. Don't miss out on taking part in a wonderful opportunity to be guided through creating a Mindfulness practice that fits your life. Take this journey, along with other mothers and together we can transform our lives and the relationships within it. What an amazing experience being a mother truly is.
Each week, you will become more aware of how fulfilling this work is and you will notice the possibilities of creating more joy in your life. Take an hour a week out for yourself and be apart of a magnificent community of radiance. Reserve your spot at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mindful-moms-tickets-51831412149 or contact me through Contacts in the main menu. I look forward to guiding you through Mindfulness practices! The Tuesday after Thanksgiving is now considered #GivingTuesday. The term giving means different things to each one of us. The true spirit of giving is doing something for others without expectations. Think about a time you gave someone something, whether it was an object, your time, a hand, etc. Notice how that act made you feel and think about how you made someone else involved in your giving feel. What a wonderful feeling it is!
I believe that what you give is what you get in return, but in other ways. When we can open our hearts to others in whatever way we can, we then open our hearts for ourselves and see all the generosity that surrounds us daily. This openness can lead us to the true joy in life that we are meant to experience. Instead of making one day considered a "Giving" day, I challenge you to perform one random act of kindness daily. This act does not need to be monetary. A simple smile to a stranger, a kind note on someone's car, a hug for a friend... Do this without being noticed or needing something in return. Take a moment each time you perform this kind act and notice how it makes you feel to drop a little sunshine into someone's day unexpectedly. You'll be surprised when you feel great about the things you do for someone, that the same random acts of kindness are happening to you too. |
Kristin Pittman"Quit hanging on to the handrails...Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Archives
February 2025
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